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Troubleshooting Order Protection Out of Stock


If Order Protection appears as Out of stock. it will be removed from the cart when the customer clicks Continue, and the order will therefore be unprotected. Use the guide below to determine why Order Protection is showing up as Out of stock and resolve the issue.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Find Order Protection and verify the status and sales channel. In order to show as in stock, the status must be Active, and the sales channel must have Online Store selected.

  3. If the product status is Archived:

    • Select the Order Protection product from the list.
    • Select Unarchive Product on the righthand.
    • Click Unarchive product when the dialogue box appears.
    • The product status will now appear as Draft instead of Active.
  4. If the product status is Draft:

    • Select the product status dropdown and select Active.
    • Click Save.
    • Confirm the product status is Active.
    • If the product status is Active but Order Protection is still showing Out of Stock, confirm that Online Store is selected as a sales channel by selecting the product from the product list and selecting the manage button below.
    • Check the box next to Online Store if it is not already selected.
    • Click Save.
    • Confirm that the circle next to Online Store is now green.
  5. Open a new window and go through the customer checkout process to confirm the Out of stock error is resolved.